Our meetings are held every 2nd Friday of each month. They are typically working meetings at which suggestions and input from all are encouraged. However, for the sake of efficiency, we discourage guests speakers and prohibit any hard selling of goods or services. Meetings are also accessible via ZOOM though we'd prefer to meet you in person. Opt-in to our mail list and you will be receive meeting notices containing the ZOOM meeting link in a timely manner.

  • Date:1/19/2024 11:30 AM - 1/12/2024 01:00 PM
  • Location Online Event
  • More Info:Cobb Senior Services Wellness Center or you may attend via ZOOM from the comfort of your home.

Sorry, registration has ended.


Click this link a few minutes before the meeting time to join us.  OK to just observe if you don't wish to participate yet.  We will be planning upcoming events for seniors in Cobb. 

Click here to join meeting:https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82200998451?pwd=Nk5mSE5FNEZSQWlzUUZxVVA5U2lzQT09

Meeting ID: 822 0099 8451
Passcode: 570996